Mehsoob is a Raksha bandhan tradition in my parent’s home. This delicious sweet is made either with besan or purely from nuts such as cashews and oodles of home made ghee is one of my favourites. This tradition in our home was started by my bhabhi Nayna who without fail makes this each Raksha bandhan. This time, as I have her recipe I thought I’d give this decadent buttery mithai a try and share the recipe with you all. Enjoy this mithai and sweeten the bond of love with your siblings.Thank you Naynabhabhi. Kotecha.

1 cup fresh malai heaped

1/2 cup sugar

Place malai and sugar in a heavy botom pan and mix until well combined. Cook on a low to medium heat stirring continuously on the same direction for approximately 15 minus. The mixture will look frothy and color will change too. ( make sure you are mixing in the same direction ) Turn the heat off and pour the mixture in a greased tray. Let cool for about 10 minutes, cut into squares. Enjoy!

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