Boil the milk stirring continuously, and let simmer for few minutes. while milk is simmering, add the sugar in the skillet and caramelize on medium heat. Dont mix, once the sugar starts to melt from the sides, hold the skillet high from the heat and swirl around. Once almost melted then mix with spatula,keep on low heat and let caramelize. (do not over caramalize) Turn the heat off and stir the mixture in the milk,mix well.Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes and slowly add the corn slury to the milk, whisking continuous until the mixture thickens. Let cool just little, add greated mawa, and whisk with blender until well blended. Add nuts of your choice and pour into the molds and freez over night.Remove from the freezer 5 minutes before serving. Enjoy very refreshing, delicious,sweet and creamy kulfi for hot summer day

This is a shout out to my friend Bhavna Thakrar, who is a very good cook shared this kulfi recipe. Thank you so much Bhavna for sharing the delicious kulfi recipe.

1 litre whole milk ( set aside 1/2 cup for later use )

3 table spoons corn flour ( mix with 1/2 cup milk and prepare slury)

few strands of saffron

few strands of saffron

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup grated mawa

handful chopped nuts of your choice ( almond and pistachios)

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