

Here is a tasty little treat. You have to try these very easy to make and tastes great.


1 can evaporated milk

1 can condensed milk

1 pint heavy whipping cream (473ml)

few strands saffron

1/2 tea spoon cardamom powder

Hand full pistachios

Hand full almonds

photo 1

Place all the above ingredients in the mixer .Pulse until well mixed. Pour into kulfi molds or in waffle ice cream bowl, freeze over  night . Remove from the freezer 5 minutes before serving.

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Here is simple and quick to make and also very delicious .


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2 cups milk

2 table spoon custard powder

2 table spoon sugar


photo 1

Mix custard powder with little milk and combine with remaining milk, add sugar and boil the milk mixture in a heavy bottomed pan. Stir the milk mixture continuously till it thickens .Let it cool and  serve with any fruits of your choice.

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