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A couple of weeks ago Manu and I visited  Kamuben and Thakorbhai Patel in Columbia SC.

Mr and Mrs Patel were our neighbours in Dar and they are part of our extended family by virtue.  An amazing bunch of people with whom we have a very strong bond. Now Kamuben is a lady who really shows her love by feeding you.  She will cook and cook and feed everyone that steps into their home.  It is just the way she is, generous and kind.  So it was not surprising that we were ushered to the dining table during our visit.

I have to tell you  that during our visit,  I tasted an awesome crispy type of puri.  This is I am told a speciality served at all Surti wedding buffets where  the traditional fare  of Srikhand Puriis served.  This flaky crumbly melt in the mouth puri is goes well with Shrikand (a sweetened hung yoghurt) or in my case, with a cup of steaming masala chai.

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2 cups white flour

2 table spoons corn starch

3/4 cup melted ghee

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 tea spoon baking powder

little water


Ghee or oli for deep frying


Combine all above ingredients together and bind flour with worm water.Make firm dough. Divide dough in to 10 to 12 equal parts,make balls .Roll it out very lightly make approx. 1/8 in thick .Dep fry the puris on a low heat until golden brown.




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