
1 cups Oat flour ( Grind the Oats and make flour)

3/4 cups jaggery

4 tablespoons ghee. or as needed. ( clarified butter)

1  table spoon sunth ( dry ginger powder)

1 teaspoon fenugreek powder (methi)

2 tablespoons  gund (crushed)

1/2 cup  grated coconut

1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder

11/2 cup crushed almonds and pistachio’s

1  tabspoon batrisu ( herb powder) optional.



In a heavy bottom pan or non stick pan add ghee once ghee is melted add the Oatmeal and stir the mixture on a medium heat until golden brown. When its cooked add the crushed gund and mix well for 30 sec and add all the above ingredients, mix all together for about a minute and turn the heat off. Make sure you don’t have any lumps. Pour in a greased tray and spread the mixture evenly and dab  with spatula. Let it set for about 30 min and cut into desired shape.



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