KATKI KERI ATHANU



Few weeks back another parcel arrived from California with fresh kachi keri picked from Beena ben Majithia’s   garden and I made katki keri nu athanu.   Thank you Beena ben.


4 cups raw mango cubes

1 teaspoon salt + 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

Peel and cut the raw mangoes into small cubes. sprinkle salt and turmeric powder mix together and set aside for about 30 minutes. squeeze and drain the excess water from the mango cubes





3 1/2  cups sugar

2  tablespoons chili powder

1 teaspoon salt



For tempering

2 tablespoons oil

1 cinnamon stick

4 cloves

2 dried red chilies


In a heavy bottomed skillet  heat the oil add cinnamon stick ,cloves and dried red chilies. As soon as it starts to crackle place mango cubes and sugar in a skilet and cook on low heat to form syrup of 2 thread consistency stirring occasionally. Turn the heat off, add salt and chili powder  and mix well. allow katki keri to cool completely. Pour in a jar and enjoy the athanu with thepla , puri, paratha.



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