


Super easy, crunchy delicious 1


1 can kidney beans ( wash and drained)

1 cup corn kernels

1/4 cup diced green bell pepper

1/4 cup diced red bell peppar

1/4 cup diced cucumber

1/4 cup chopped green onion

1/4 cup grated carrots

1 cup baby spinach or letuce

hand full cherry tomatoes

hand full cilantro

2 table spoons olive oil

1 table spoon seasoned rice vinegar

1/2 tea spoon salt

1/2 tea spoon chili powder

1 tea spoon freshly ground pepper


Combine the beans ,vegetables, and cilantro in a large bowl , add all the above ingredients .Toss gently until well combined.


photo 2


5 responses

  1. Excellent Salad added some fresh Mint crushed and little fresh lime juice works out great Good Recipes sending to my friends Ahsante Sana

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