
Now this is a must have in our Jikoni.  Mukhwas, a breath freshner made at home by meeeeee, who else

I love the tradition of serving mukhwas after a delicious Indian meal.  The colourful medley of coconut, fennel seeds, candy coated fennel seeds, dhana daal and a beautiful mix called hira moti masala(available in Indian Grocery stores).  I sometimes add finely chopped roasted betel nut which I buy pre-packaged but I love colouring the coconut and roasting the sesame seeds(which I have coat with lemon, salt and turmeric and then roast.


Mukhwas is generally served in place of after dinner mints and in small portions (about a teaspoon full) however, I can go on eating this for far too long…the famous quote at Vithlani house is “mukhwas che, chevdo nathi” its a mouth freshener not a snack! well…. a little bit of what you fancy and all that!


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2 cups coconut ( grated)

3/4 cup waryari (roasted) Fennel seeds

2 cups dhana daal (rosted)

2 cups taal            (roasted) Sesame seeds

1 cups waryari sugar coated

2 cups mithi sadi sopari ( finely chopped betel nut)

2 tea spoons hira moti powder

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2 table spoons lemon juice

2 tea spoons salt

1 tea spoon turmeric powder

Mix lemon juice and salt and turmeric powder.

In a large bowl add sesame seeds ,lemon juice mixture and mix well. Live for  2 to 3 hours. Roast the sesame seeds on medium heat stirring continuesly .Once it stars to splutter its done. Keep on the side.

Roast Dhana daal on medium heat until its rosted .

color the grated coconut and roast in the oven  for about 5 min or until its nice and crispy.

Mix all above ingredients in a large bowl and let it cool completely and store in an airtight container.






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9 responses

  1. Agree with Dinesh Sandhya your recipes are so famous every that i send to has outstanding coments Tame to Superstar thai gaya LOL……….

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