This is a one pot rice dish that used to be very popular choice for Sunday lunch at my in-laws place.   I have adapted the recipe to suit my taste and added several different vegetables which were not part of the original recipe.  Essentially, this is rice cooked in coconut milk with loads of vegetables added and the result is a delicious one pot meal.



The fragrance of coconut permeates through the rice and vegetable dish which I recommend you serve piping hot perhaps with a side salad and yoghurt.


Here is what you need and how you make this simple dish.

1  cup rice

2 cups coconut milk

1 cup cabbage shreded

1/2 cup guwar cut in to small pieces (optional)

1/2 cup french beans

1/2 cup pegeon peas

1/2 cup peas

2 stufed potatoes 

2 stuffed brijal / eggplants

1  tab spoon oil

1 1/2 tea spoon salt

1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder

1/2 cup crushed tomatoes or chopped

Hand ful peanuts

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