3 cups almond meal

1 cup nutella  ( hazelnut spread)

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup honey

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup chocolate, melted



Line a tray with parchment paper, set aside. In a large bowl melt nutella and honey in a microwave for about a minute. Add vanilla and whisk until well combined. Add almond meal and salt and mix until dough is formed. scoop out little dough into your hand and roll into a ball. ( grease your palms if the dough is sticky ) Gently press the ball between your palms to form a disc or place in the mold and give it a shape.Place the cookies onto the lined tray. Place in the refrigerator to set for about 15 minutes. Once the cookies are set, dip half of the cookie in the melted chocolate, place on the rack allow the chocolate to set. Ones set enjoy almond cookies !!



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