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Here are  few different ways of enjoying rotla. Its not just simple to make but its   healthy too. Oh it’s soooo good!!

2 cups millet flour

2 tablespoons wheat flour

water ( as needed)


Rotla, khichdi, shak, papad, athana

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In a bowl, combine millet and wheat flour. Knead soft dough adding little water at a time, till the dough is nice and smooth. Divide the dough into 6 equel parts, set aside.  Dust little wheat  flour on the rolling board and place the dough , gently roll with rolling pin until desired thickness. Place the prepared rotlo in the preheated tawdi / skillet and cook for about  30 seconds. turn over gently with spatula and let cook for about 30 seconds. Press the rotlo gently with hand towel , rotlo will puff up. Allow to cook evenly. Remove from the heat apply little ghee and enjoy


Lilu lasan waro rotlo


Rotlo, ghee, god, marcha


Wagharelo Rotlo


Rotlo, lasan chatli, makhan, chash


Rotlo, raitu dungri


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