3 bowls ground cashew nuts

3 bows melted ghee

1 bowl sugar

1/2 bowl water

You will need 2 pots to start this mesub. In a heavy large pot  make sugar syrup. on second pot hear ghee on a low heat.

In a  large heavy pot add sugar and water stirring till It reaches one thread consistency. Add the ground cashew nuts in the sugar syrup and keep stirring till it becomes thick.   Start adding piping hot ghee and keep stirring till all ghee is absorb. when you pour ghee the mixture will look frothy and will see holes in the mixture and colour will change too.While pouring ghee make sure you are poring from the same direction( if you start clock wise finish that way ) Take the pan off the stove and pour the mixture in a tray .Spread evenly and let it cool for about 8 to 10minutes .Cut into square or any desired shape .Tilt the tray  keep small bowl under the tray and all the extra ghee will  come out.

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Note: Take little water in a bowl drop syrup in the water  if it spread out then its not done yet.

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