photo 5                                                                                                    MOGO  ( CASAVA)

Now this is a mogo dish that anyone who lived in Mwanza Tanzania will remember with fondness.  It is a simple dish made with boiled cubed cassava with just salt, chilli powder and the juice of a lime added for tanginess.  Most Mwanzans enjoy this with sekela jugu (roasted peanuts)  and crushed cassava chips sprinkled on to the soupy mogo.  Along with a bottle or can of soda, this is the food of my childhood.

This is a very easy dish to prepare, simply boil the mogo in water until tender.  Drain the water (into another pan and reserve this).  cube the mogo, add it back into the reserved starchy stock and add the salt, chilli and lemon.  Bring this to a boil and gently simmer until the stock thickens a little.

Serve with sekela jugu and mogo chips.

1 piece mogo

2 tea sp salt

1 tea sp chilli powder

1 lime

Boil the mogo add salt.when its done add chili powder & lime.

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